Vegetable Research & Innovation


18/11/2022 3:13pm

SVS - The science story

This video explains the workstreams and science supporting the SVS programme.

18/11/2022 3:09pm

SVS - Case studies and monitor sites

Soil testing at research sites and grower sites are an important component of the SVS programme to generate robust field data. This video explains how soil N concentrations are monitored.

18/11/2022 3:04pm

SVS - Introduction and overview

This video presents an overview to the Sustainable Vegetable Systems programme. A 4-year programme that aims to develop a nitrogen management tool for vegetable growers.

17/11/2022 4:59pm

Nitrate Quick Test

This video explains how to carry out a nitrate quick test on soil.

This video was produced by the Sustainable Vegetable Systems programme.


N Quick test kits can be purchased from Lab Supply Ltd.

To find the kits enter into your browser, or enter ‘CHENITRATE-N’ into the search box on the Lab Supply website. Items may also be purchased individually.

The cost for the kit is $189.75 including GST and delivery (rural areas included).

29/08/2022 8:33am

SVS Soil N Explained

This video provides an overview of mineral N behavior in cropping soils using data gathered from the Sustainable Vegetable Systems programme.

03/02/2022 3:35pm

Nitrate Quick Test

This video explains how to carry out a N Quick Test.

28/01/2022 10:30am

ALT-Onions NZ model farm Dec2021

A short video of the ALT model farm in Pukekohe. The onion trial is testing a nil-mancozeb control programme for Downy mildew.