Vegetable Research & Innovation

Vegetable Research & Innovation Board

The Vegetable Research & Innovation Board is responsible for the governance of Horticulture New Zealand’s vegetable research and innovation activities.

 The core purpose of the VR&I Board is to underpin sustainable growth of the vegetable sector. The VR&I Board aims to achieve this by developing, resourcing and managing a cross-sector research and innovation portfolio and communicating the results of this research to industry stakeholders.


This website contains an online search to discover New Zealand based research papers for horticulture in New Zealand.

To search this catalogue go to the Search page.

To view a selection selection of the latest research that has been supported by the VR&I Board go to the Featured Research page.

Quick links to the Sustainable Vegetable Systems Project and N management tool, Codes of Practice, guidelines and other environmental resources can be found on the Environmental Resources page.